Hanging planters attached to steel mesh green facade.

Hanging planters attached to steel mesh green facade.


Hanging planters and landscape sculptures

Do you have an idea for something outside the box? A little left of centre? Not a green wall, not a green roof, not a planter box, something else?

We love creating unusual hanging planters and unique biophilic structures.

We use a our design process for developing and creating one-off pieces.

  • Site assessment and analysis

  • Context and existing conditions

  • Concept design brief

  • Plant palette research and determination

  • Detailed irrigation plan (where required)

  • Section drawings (where required)

  • Printing costs (A1, A2, A3)

  • Animated concept (where required)

  • Materials palette

  • Construction documentation and specification

  • Maintenance recommendations and schedule

Get in touch with us via info@greenly.net.au today about your project!