Failed planter box removal and rectification.

Failed planter box removal and rectification.


Planter box rectification

Typical planter box mixes often contain a high level of organic materials which decompose over time and inevitably clog subsoil drainage causing headaches for owners and tenants alike, leading to a need to replace and repair planter boxes.

In some cases the original construction has not been completed appropriately in some cases drainage outlets are missing or there is no waterproofing, leading to waterlogging and plant death or leakage and property damage.

Our services include:

  • Removal of vegetation, soil and other materials

  • Waterproofing inspection and rectification

  • Re-design of plan palette to remove species with invasive roots

  • Reinstatement of planter boxes using patented lightweight planter technology

If you’ve got a troublesome planter box or two then call us in and we can sort it out. Get in touch with us via today!